The intensity of the drive within us will determine how many hours a day we will give to meditation and spiritual study. Some persons cannot drive themselves to practice scales for more than an hour a day. And others cannot drive themselves to stop in less than seven or eight hours a day. There are some persons, too, who cannot drive themselves to study spiritual principles more than a few minutes or an hour a day. Their mind seeks relaxation; and it cannot hold itself to this particular discipline. Then, there are others who cannot let go of it. All that depends on the drive within.
From infancy on – whether it is rattles, dolls, automobiles, television, or radio – everything tends to deflect us from our goal. Everything keeps us so busy out here that we do not have time to discover ourselves; and, ultimately, we lose the capacity to do this. At first, trying to find that inner stillness and inner peace seems to separate us from the rest of the world. It leaves us with a sense of aloneness; and, somehow or other, we must be able to survive that stage.
Every time we meditate, whether or not we feel any direct results from it, we are drawing closer to an actual communion and union with our Source. Let us think of meditation in terms – not only of what it will do to our lives, but – of the fruitage that it can bring forth for the world.
Every time we attain, even for a second, communion with our Source, we are bringing forth food from that Source – not merely food that feeds us, but food that feeds the world. Through our being fed by that Spirit of the Lord God which is upon us, we can feed others; because, the spiritual fruitage and food that come through are far too much for any one of us. There are always twelve baskets full left over for the world.
The problems of the world can be settled, and peace established only in one way – if the world is spiritually fed. Through communing with our Source, we bring forth the food that feeds the world. And then, what takes place in our inner communion becomes the good of the world.
Joel S. Goldsmith
Excerpt from
Living Now, Chapter 3: When the Spirit of the Lord is upon Us