A simple practice that will transform you and your world

Pierre wrote these words of introduction for the site The Gentle Art of Blessing when we first created it in 2014 and though he is no longer with us, we have chosen to leave his welcome message in its original form. In addition to the rich and varied content already available, the site will continue to share excerpts of Pierre’s writings as well as relevant texts from other spiritual thinkers. We hope that our visitors will find here the inspiration  and encouragement they seek. We welcome your comments and suggestions; please send them to 365blessingspp@gmail.com 

Welcome, dear friend, to a practice which since time immemorial has been uplifting people of all races, beliefs, occupation, age … a non-denominational practice which even agnostics and atheists can practice. Read more here…

Healing Testimonies

A simple practice that will transform you and your world. This section is the heart of our site, because it shows that the art of blessing transforms life – and sometimes profoundly, even in extraordinarily difficult situations.

Anyone who has had experience with the practice of blessing is invited to share it with the readers of this site. If possible, please do not exceed half a page. The editors have the right to shorten a slightly long text. You are invited to give either your full name, first name or even initials, as well as your country or place of residence.

Please send us your experiences here.

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