
A Letter of Gratitude to Pierre Pradervand

A Letter of Gratitude to Pierre Pradervand

The January guest blog is in the form of a letter written by Mary Davis from Every Day Spirit. Learn more at Pierre, Although you left our world on July 26, 2024, your love lives on through the countless souls who were graced by your...

A Blessing for Political Leaders

A Blessing for Political Leaders

Hatsat Abiola, a Nigerian activist, says to us: “Guard your light and protect it. Move it forward into the world and be fully confident that if we connect light to light to light and join the lights together of the one billion young people in our world today, we will...

Raising World Consciousness

Raising World Consciousness

Note: In recent years Pierre very often spoke and wrote about the great and urgent need to raise the level of individual and collective consciousness if we are to effectively handle/heal the many crises that plague our material world.  The blessing below, from 365...

Our life is like a river

Our life is like a river

Pierre's final blog shares thoughts from his book Et ainsi coule la riviere (and thus flows the river) published in French in 2022."It's the positive energy we put into the events of our lives that ensures that, like the meandering river, we always go in the direction...

The Power of Right Thinking

The Power of Right Thinking

Today I  am going to share with you a story which shows the power of right thinking, e.g., blessing.When he was in his early twenties, my friend Mark decided to undertake a trip around the planet. At one moment, he ended up in a Buddhist monastery in Thailand. Each...

Our world is shaped by how we see it

Our world is shaped by how we see it

This blog is taken from one of the chapters in my most recent book, Et ainsi coule la rivière (Thus flows the river, only available in French).  The notion that we live in a welcoming and caring universe is very close to my heart, and at the end of the text you'll...

Divine Love’s Tenderness

Divine Love’s Tenderness

The seashell called angel wing is delicate and exquisitely beautiful. One sometimes finds numbers of them on the shore when the tide recedes, their winsome loveliness resting gently on the sand. One wonders why they were not crushed to smithereens in the pounding of...

Say NO to Compassion Fatigue!

Say NO to Compassion Fatigue!

There is a great difference between sympathy (from the Greek sym-, with – and pathein-, to suffer, i.e., to suffer with) and compassion. With compassion, one’s heart goes out to others to uplift and console them, strengthen them and express the deepest caring for...

The Building of the Servant Nation

The Building of the Servant Nation

For generations, a nation of world servants has, little by little, been building up everywhere. In fact, it has existed as an embryo for far longer, but in the past 30-40 years it has been manifesting itself in a much more concrete manner. It is made up of this...

Rising above the confusion

Rising above the confusion

For thousands of years, humanity disposed of very limited amounts of information. Whatever understanding people had of the world came from the tribal elders, members of the extended family and other close sources of information.  How things have changed! I refer you...

The Story of Mohan

The Story of Mohan

The following text is my favorite story of the dozens and dozens I have heard in a well-lived life of 86 years. It describes what many consider the most important spiritual attitude with love - a constant sense of The Presence. And it comes with the best wishes of our...

….And now for all the good happening in the world!

….And now for all the good happening in the world!

The world we live in is in great part the result of the way we look at it. At every single moment, there are hundreds of millions of events taking place around us, be it on the social or political levels, in nature or in the unseen realms of a higher reality. The...

Back to…the Information Explosion

Back to…the Information Explosion

I feel like coming back to this topic already handled in the April blog, given the immense importance of the theme and the appearance and practice of “Fake news” which still complicates the debate. Although the practice itself is certainly not new it seems to have...

Towards a spirituality of Service

Towards a spirituality of Service

My blog this month is an excerpt from my new book, The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment – A Guide to Discovering Your Personal Path. “Towards a spirituality of service” is a very timely topic when one considers all the challenges facing humanity – from deadly...

Tolerance in a world of constant contrasts

Tolerance in a world of constant contrasts

Never in the history of humanity have we been exposed to such an infinite variety of opinions, beliefs, forms of behavior, customs and so on. Humanity has become a melting pot of world dimensions! Be it in the areas of religious beliefs, forms of politeness, dress,...

A society with fragmented attention

A society with fragmented attention

We live in a society where our attention is solicited to an extent never experienced before in human history. There are few public places where our attention is not constantly challenged by all kinds of messages, whether they are advertising (generally) but also of...

The heart and soul of my spirituality

The heart and soul of my spirituality

I was raised in a traditional Christian family and even studied two years of theology before understanding that it was ABSOLUTELY NOT my cup of tea, a spirituality entirely in the head, nothing in the heart. For ten years I wandered in a spiritual no man’s land, then...

Help, I’m drowning… in information

Help, I’m drowning… in information

There are two major factors which, combined, make present day living extremely challenging for anyone who attempts to stay informed on major issues of our times. The first one is the weakening of authority in so many areas of life. For thousands of years, people’s...

My thoughts create my reality.

My thoughts create my reality.

“At every single moment of our lives, we choose our thoughts, hence our vision of reality. It is in that sense that one can say that we truly do create our reality. So what if the most productive and helpful way was in seeing all through the eyes of Love? I bless...

The practice of blessing

The practice of blessing

For the month of February, we are pleased to offer you a "guest blog" by Olivier Clerc, from his book J'arrête de me juger, Day 6, on the topic of blessing (I stop  judging myself, our translation as the book is not available in English). A link to his site is at...

A growing sense of oneness

A growing sense of oneness

As we enter 2023, our world is in dire straits, to say the least. Tragic situations exist on every continent, from the war in Ukraine, to countries on the brink of famine in Africa, deadly floods in Asia and South America, fires, deforestation, Syrian and other...