Pierre’s final blog shares thoughts from his book Et ainsi coule la riviere (and thus flows the river) published in French in 2022.
“It’s the positive energy we put into the events of our lives that ensures that, like the meandering river, we always go in the direction we want to go, if we have the conviction to do so. Meandering is part of life! …Your life is also a river that flows “like this”, and the rapids and tumultuous waterfalls are lessons in life and in taking a step back. It’s up to you to become aware of this magnificent flow!”
From the Preface by Jacques Maire, Founder of Editions Jouvence
We in the West have pushed the river. Frantically. For two centuries. With what result? It seems to me closer to disaster than success. So wouldn’t it be more honest to recognize that we’re all projecting onto “reality” what’s in our hearts. If our hearts are old, tired and cynical, that’s how we’ll see the world. But if we silence ourselves, if we listen and let the murmur of our goodness and natural love express itself freely, could it be that we see another world?
Personally, I can only feel gratitude for this life that has offered me so much, over 55 years of professional activities in the four corners of the planet, but especially Europe and Africa, during which I’ve always had in mind this vision of a win-win world that works for everyone, because if this objective doesn’t become that of our governments and of those who believe they’re directing the destinies of this planet, our future is likely to be extremely difficult… and hot!
There are only two ways to grow: through wisdom and through suffering. Our race seems to have too often taken the second alternative, and the pandemic that arrived in 2020 seems to be telling us that we’d be wise to consider a less risky path. But in the end, I’m convinced that a benevolent Intelligence beyond anything we can even imagine is pulling the real strings, and that Putin, Trump and Xi Jinping are themselves merely the (unconscious) instruments of this Intelligence which, sooner or later, will lead us to our destination.
Pierre Pradervand
Our translation
Link to Pierre’s books – https://pierrepradervand.com/books/