Videos that Inspire
To Be In Awe – WISDOM from a 96 year old
What gives you a sense of awe? You might imagine standing on a wide-open plain with a storm approaching, or holding the tiny finger of a newborn baby. That word, awe - the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your understanding of the...
Exposing the Conspiracy of Goodness
There have been silent movements of goodness throughout history that have made significant impact on humanity. Could we be on the verge of exposing the greatest one yet, and the only thing stopping it is what’s under your fingers? Dr. Lynda Ulrich is a dentist turned...
This Place is Heaven At first glance, when seeing the village where Siyabonga lives, it is easy to assume that his community are poor. They have no access to electricity or running water. Most of them don't own a car or even a bicycle. But as far as Siya is...
The Love Foundation
There are so many wonderful videos from The Love Foundation that we've chosen to add their YouTube channel link. The vision of The Love Foundation is to assist people by building a practical foundation and...
Understanding the power of joy
On David Hawkin's 'Map of Consciousness' Joy ranks at 540. The dominant emotion is serenity and compassion. This is the inner joy that arises from every moment of existence rather than from an external source. The life view is completeness. Near death experiences have...
Grandfather Red Crow, A Big Change is Coming
Renewal Time – the old Hopi Prophecy about America, the big change that's coming and the ways to truly live on and with Mother Earth.Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerman (1936-2007) Blessing Mother Earth Finally, humanity is just beginning to perceive that our planet is a...
Unsung Hero
May All Beings Dwell in the Heart
With all that is happening in our world right now, you are invited to make this prayer mantra from Miranda McPherson part of your daily practice. Please feel free to spread this widely! May all beings dwell in the heart.May all beings be free from suffering.May all...
The Prayer for a Guardian Angel – The Heartsong Project The Prayer for Guardian Angel is a beautiful chanted meditation in harmony, an invocation of Angelic protection and guidance. it is based on text from the Scottish highlands and Islands recorded in the Carmina Gadelica, the Amulet of the...
What Is This Life About?
Join Mooji on this morning walk, as he shares spontaneous wisdom and guidance, reflecting on important questions such as, ‘What are we here for and what is this life all about?’ On this 7 minute morning walk, Mooji introduces us to the...
The Honorable Harvest
We humans are members of the Universe who must take life in order to live our own lives. How do we learn to honor and respect the countless lives that sustain us? We can begin with please and thank you. Listen as Robin Wall Kimmerer gently shares the wisdom of the...
The Power of Love ~ Satish Kumar
Satish Kumar shares his wisdom on how the power of love can help to promote personal, political and planetary wellbeing. The reading is from his article ‘The Power of Love’ published in the Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. Satish Kumar is a former Jain monk...
Mooji – We Are Being Offered a Higher Path
In this inspiring and uplifting short video, Moojibaba offers us great encouragement during the coronavirus pandemic. He shares that this challenging time is a powerful opportunity for humanity to come together, to put aside our superficial differences and use this...
A Blessing for Compassion
Love in its special dimension of compassion constitutes one of the foundations of any civilized society. It is compassion that makes me sensitive to suffering, whatever form it may take. It is compassion that enlarges my heart and enables me to be sensitive to a need...
The Gentle Art of Blessing brings healing and peace
Gentle & peaceful, - hold in mind yourself or anyone who has hurt you & feel the peace and joy that blessing oneself and others can bring.
Mooji – You Are the Intelligent Space that Allows the Play of Duality
Mooji explains how we are the intelligent space that allows the play of duality to take place, while at the same time being the witness to all that is happening.
Gregg Braden on Thoughts, Feelings, and Emotions
Pierre Pradervand – Blessings chosen from 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World
Choosing to Bless
“If I am not for myself who is for me? And being for my own self, what am 'I'? And if not now, when?”Attributed to Rabbi Hillel It seems to me that what the world needs now is our blessing – and not just the parts that we find easy to bless. From the smallest...
Blessing is the Cosmic Bloodstream
From the Synthesis Dialogues - Part 3 - Rome, 2004. Br. David talks about blessing and grace and how one leads to the other.
The difference between Genuine Love and Attachment – Tenzin Palmo Jetsunma
"I bless my fellow beings in their unconditional love and forgiveness as they experience the complete serenity of one who accepts all beings just as they are, with no expectations or demands that they be otherwise." Pierre Pradervand - excerpt from 365 Blessings to...