This blog is an excerpt from Pierre’s book Apprendre à s’aimer Available only in French, our translation

“To love is to desire the true good for others and for oneself”.

There is a reality in the universe that constitutes the ultimate Reality, a law that nullifies all laws because it constitutes the supreme law, a force more powerful than the rolling of galaxies, and next to which the famous big bang that gave birth to the universe is but a small firecracker: it’s love.

Love abolishes all authorities, because it renders them useless. The law of love is the path par excellence to freedom, because it cancels out all other laws. Indeed, love and freedom are two sides of the same coin. Expressed unconditionally, it necessarily leads to freedom, for it constitutes the overcoming of all constraints, and true freedom can only be attained through it. Those who embrace it will experience a peace that nothing can take away, a joy that nothing can extinguish, a compassion that nothing can limit.

If you submit your life to its authority, you’ll experience a lightness that will give you wings every day. Love is a force that gives total meaning to every moment, to every act no matter how humble, to every encounter in life, whether with a child, a king, an insect or a flower.

To submit our lives to love is to submit them to a cosmic force of infinite benevolence. The infinite love that sustains and directs the universe wants our true good more than anything else.

Let’s respond to this unconditional love that cherishes us, carries us and surrounds us with infinite tenderness by loving ourselves and one another in the same way: it’s our birthright.


A blessing from Pierre’s book 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World

For Love as the “I” of My Being

Who would not one day wish to attain that state where they express nothing but love, in whatever situation they may find themselves, facing whatever or whomever it may be, from a tiger to a troglodyte. May this blessing help you on the way, dear friend.

May I learn to just live love in every moment of my life, just be it, express it, and love, love, love. May I not know anything else but love and may my whole being just radiate love to the exclusion of all else.

And may I grasp deeply that on the true plane of being there IS nothing else.

Love will accomplish all I need to do, it will heal everything and anything, it will raise the dead – especially the dead in spirit. May I be nothing but love.

May love inspire my every thought, dream, desire, intention, motive, my visualizing, my speaking and my acting.

When people meet me may they experience only a sea of love surrounding them and carrying them.

And may I in turn see only through the eyes of love, till, everywhere, I behold the very face of God and feel only the gentle Presence of Love.