Back to schoolWe bless young people everywhere as they return to a new school year.

We bless them in their openness to new ideas, new things to learn, new friends and teachers, especially those who are changing classes or getting new teachers.

We bless them and their parents and teachers in their trust that we live in an infinitely benevolent universe which is constantly planning for our highest good and guiding our individual steps, whatever material appearances may scream to the contrary.

We bless the teachers that they may rid themselves of any inherited prejudices concerning such and such a student and approach their teaching with the enthusiasm for sharing new or important/useful ideas. May they constantly de aware that they are in a position to change the whole vision of life of their students.

We bless them in the powerful understanding that each one of their students and fellow teachers is at each moment at their highest level of consciousness.

May they be gifted with constant and renewed enthusiasm for their mission, overflowing love and a constantly fresh approach to each day and each student.

Pierre Pradervand, September 2018