In recent years, millions have had to flee their own country for a variety of political, economic, social and other reasons, such as civil war. The challenge of adapting to a new country, culture, language, climate, customs… is daunting, as anyone who has worked with or befriended such people knows. Just to survive you sometimes need to be a hero, especially if you are a mother with small children. Let us open our hearts wide to these brothers and sisters and really put ourselves in their shoes: how would we respond to such a situation?
We bless all those who have had to flee their homes and are attempting to adapt to a completely new setting.
We bless them in their unwavering courage, sheer grit, perseverance and stamina in face of the huge obstacles facing them daily.
We bless them in their innate intelligence and adaptability when facing complex rules and regulations, customs that seem to them really strange if not utterly bizarre.
We bless them in their equanimity and strength when facing outright hostility from nationals resenting their presence out of fear or ignorance.
We bless the host nations in their spirit of compassion and sharing so that their citizens may be awakened to the immense human, intellectual and cultural wealth these newcomers represent for them.
And finally, we bless all concerned in their consciousness that my sister or brother is myself and that the challenge of integrating these immigrants is truly an amazing gift of the universe in helping all work toward a world built on collaboration and cooperation in all areas that will alone guarantee the survival of the human race.