I bless mothers and sons with God’s loving and forgiving grace. I pray that they reflect their innate, God-given patience, humility, and loving thoughtfulness. God is blessing them in their purity and Christly strength to be free of alcohol and other addictions. I bless them in their spiritual journeys.
May all mothers and sons express their natural ability to respect, love and build each other up–to encourage, not discourage. I bless all mothers and sons in their understanding that God is the ONE and ONLY Mother – that in God’s eyes there are no human parents. We are truly all brothers and sisters and can live together in joy and harmony. I bless all mothers in their ability to release their sons to the one Divine Parent.
I bless all mothers and sons knowing that, “All is well” is the only reality. May all mothers and sons reflect their God-given selflessness and loving caring.
I bless all mothers and sons in their ability to not react, but to reflect light and nonjudgmental wisdom.
I bless all mothers and sons in their willingness to forgive and “let go and let God”.
Right now God is blessing all mothers and sons by sending healing communication by Her divine angels. Right now She is blessing all mothers and sons by enabling them to practise The Golden Rule.
Dear Father-Mother, please bless all mothers and sons in losing our belief in sin. Papa-Mama, please comfort all mothers and sons who are hurting, whose relationships the evil one is trying to divide and separate. Help us to know that there never has been, is not now, and never will be, a breach between human parent and son or between God and child. Help us to affirm and rejoice in the truth that we are all held together in Your forever embrace.
The Christ within me blesses all mothers and sons in their 100% un-invadable, unchangeable, pure goodness. That they are strong in their knowledge of their true identity – beloved sons and daughters of The Perfect One. That they love themselves because they can feel the unconditional, ever-present love of God, and can completely and totally relax in Her always-ready embrace. Every prodigal has his/her “coming to him/herself.”
I pray that all mothers and sons can see the errors of their ways, and that by recognizing their mistakes, can let them go and do the loving and righteous thing.
I bless all mothers and sons in their ability to self-surrender and to pray “Thy will be done,” not, “My will be done.”
I bless all mothers and sons in their natural resistance to lust and sensuality and to uncover their childlike innocence. We are not guilty.
Dear Father-Mother, bless all mothers and sons with courage and forgiveness to those who persecute us – whether it be family, friends, or society. Bless all fathers in their ability to follow The Golden Rule by refraining from negatively influencing their sons against their mothers. Help us to be worthy followers of our Master, Christ Jesus. Bless us with the ability to love our enemies.
I pray that all mothers and sons can forgive all those whose motives were pure, and who relied on God for healing, yet didn’t attain the healing in this human scene. God is blessing us with the superabundance of continued good, now and forever. There’s never been a lack of any kind. There is and always has been one influence between all siblings and parents – the influence and attraction of Good. God/Good is ALL, in all.
Jesus was rejected by his brothers and community. Over the ages many progressives have had to go against family and society’s mores.
Dear Father, help all mothers and sons to witness Your universal family, to hear Your voice, and do Your will by standing up for high standards and blessing all they encounter. “When we have overcome sin in all its forms, men may revile us and despitefully use us, and we shall rejoice, for great is [our] reward in heaven’”. Choose Ye, My.6:9.
I bless mothers and sons in knowing that nothing is ever lost in God’s kin-dom.
Proverbs 3:5, 6 commands us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He [Healing Love] will direct Your paths.”
All mothers and sons are blessed in the knowledge that I AM is The Unifier. There never has been, is not now, and never will be any separation of the ties between mother and son.
God blesses all mothers and sons with sensitivity, compassion and unconditional love. God is blessing all mothers and sons with an expectancy of healing. Mothers and sons are not victims, but victors…victors over the lie of separation and blame.
All mothers and sons are blessed with self-surrender and with healing of the broken hearts.
Right now, our Husband/Father is blessing mothers and sons with the truth and nobleness of fatherhood and spousal support, teaching and guiding with His divine principles, which include love, caring and respect.
May all mothers and sons truly enjoy one another’s company, expressing heartfelt affection and care. Harmony and justice is the forever law of God. God is I AM. Therefore, we are ONE.
I bless mothers and sons with knowing and applying these words from Christ Jesus, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
God blesses all mothers and sons with true, endurable, unconditional love–”Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.” Shakespeare and “…no power can withstand divine Love.” Science and Health 224.
We are blessed with His/Her power to yield. We are not stubborn–there is no obstinancy in the Kin-dom of Heaven.
We are blessed with gratitude, peace and joy, and nothing can take them away. This is the Christ Guarantee!
Cathryn Gwenn Rathsam