According to WHO (January 2020) globally, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression. Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease.

Before giving this blessing, take the time to really enter your heart and from that holiest of shrines allow yourself to feel an overflowing compassion for all those round the world suffering from this particularly aggressive manifestation of separation from Source.
Our heart goes out to our brothers and sisters worldwide suffering from depression.
May a ray of heavenly light pierce their heavy gloom.
May a vision of hope reverse any self-destructive plans that might come to their mind.
May the power of radical forgiveness shatter all heavy thoughts of failure, doubt, self-accusation, and any kind of suggestion that would attempt to hide from them the infinite beauty of their true spiritual essence and identity.
May any of the innumerable forms Your Grace takes to pull its children out of the pit of self-despondency and fear – an encounter, a book, some new therapy or totally unexpected breakthrough – bless their lives.
And we bless ourselves with the clear spiritual vision of the perfect oneness of all Your children with Source so that the healing power of this vision may reach all those open to its blessing.
Do not leave this blessing without returning to the feeling of deep compassion which sent your blessing into the world and staying with it – that will firmly anchor your blessing in its healing mission.
Pierre Pradervand