“I feel I must write to tell you how much your wonderful book ”The Gentle Art of Blessing” has helped me.

I live in Zimbabwe and read your book with great interest some months ago. Shortly after this my house was broken into in the early morning by four men armed with knives. I am a widow 84 years old, but they but they tied me up and gagged me and proceeded to look for money. I lay on the bed quite helpless and wondered what I could do. And the teachings in your book flooded my mind and enabled me to overcome my fear and to bless the inner core of their being.

This brought much peace to my being, almost beyond description and enabled me to handle the aftermath of the situation without hysteria or too much stress. Everyone remarked on my poise and serenity in such a situation but I knew it was due entirely to the wonderful teachings of your book.

The men left having found the money they wanted – which was also replaced anonymously that very same day!

As you can imagine life here in Zimbabwe enables me to demonstrate every day the law of unconditional love, especially just now with the elections!! Many people here have your book and we all find it a wonderful support and comfort. They quickly realize the only way to live is by this fundamental law of unconditional love. “