The March blog is a translation of a text written by Pierre which he used to share with participants in some of his personal development workshops.
As of today, I’ve decided to start/continue with the process of accepting myself totally, as I am, with no ulterior motives whatsoever.
I choose to forgive myself for everything I haven’t been able to achieve, be it dreams or projects, or even a personal “story “I cherished. I forgive myself totally, aware that somewhere along the line, I was at my highest level of consciousness at every moment, and that I did the best I could with the insights and understanding I had in the past.
It is in my mind that I establish my own guilt as well as my own innocence. “Jury and judge lodge in my own thoughts.” I wish to accept that the universe loves me totally, unconditionally and without any ulterior motive, and I’m determined to love myself in the same way, because this also conditions my acceptance of others. How can I give to others what I don’t give to myself?
I choose to dismiss my inner judge with whom I’ve established my own guilt, and I choose to uncover and accept my total ontological innocence, the innocence of my deepest, divine self.
I accept that every step I’ve taken or chosen not to take, every experience I’ve had in the past that might be labelled as “good” or “bad” were at that moment an integral part of my life path and brought me to where I am today. I choose to open myself to the idea that there is a profound beauty in me that I may not have fully recognized to date, that I am a splendid, wonderful being, the Source of all life manifesting itself – and to learn to see this in others.
I choose to see the light in myself, rather than the lampshade, and to do the same for everyone else I meet.
Learning to Love Myself
I bless myself as one who is unconditionally cherished by divine Love – with not one single string attached!
I bless myself in my ability to see that my loving others depends in the long run on a very deep acceptance of myself, which no one else can give me.
I bless myself in my total forgiveness of what has not worked in my life – failed relationships, messed up careers, dead-end roads, weaknesses that still challenge me maybe after decades of working on them.
May I see that divine Love does not need to forgive me as it has never held a single thing against me.
As I go into the silence, may I hear the voice in my heart saying: “This is my beloved child in whom I am well pleased” and accept to be pleased, not with the small human, but with divine Love manifesting itself AS me.
PP, from
And if you still need a little help accepting yourself, this lovely poem shows how totally loved by the Divine you are!