For a great deal of my life I was centered on myself. Now that you have taught me to apply this practice I ignored, I spend days on end just blessing silently and sincerely all the people who cross my path. As I am the owner of a business,  I send blessings and messages of silent love to all my clients as they come in and out of my shop. And even while I am serving them at the counter, I am blessing them.

What a surprise I had at the beginning to see sudden smiles directed at me,  to observe faces light up, especially when they came from clients who earlier on had closed, somber faces. They started expressing a warmth they never expressed before.

It is the practice of blessing that taught me what « living in the present » meant. When one gives out love one can ONLY be in the present moment.

I wish to tell you that I never have any more dispute with my companion. The minute he starts expressing aggressiveness, I just send him a silent blessing and all the love I feel for him in my heart of hearts. And the magic operates! I then ask myself what in my behavior can bring on this kind of reaction, so as to better understand him and improve myself. If his behavior is due to something outside of me, I feel a great compassion for him and let him know it.

Then in less than two minutes we are reconciled. I have changed so deeply that as a result, he also has changed. He is calmer, more tolerant and open.

Our couple has been profoundly transformed.
