These days I am spending a great deal of time reading and meditating on (the book) The Gentle Art of Blessing. I cannot tell you how much good it does to me. Its strange. I read it quite a few years ago, underlining the passages that seemed important but it seems that the seed did not grow. This time, I have the impression literally of a change of level. I will be sure to stand strong in this inner reality when I am confronted with the aggressions of the world.
I took a few days retreat as certain circumstances of my life have represented a real challenge for me in the past years.. I am the first to acknowledge that I had come to harbour a great deal of negativity in the form of despising people, hatred and violence which I did not know how to counteract and that often knocked me out with this ego that seemed stronger than me.
That is why reading your book, and especially applying it, constitutes such a balm for the wounded soul! And I realize how the simple act of blessing connects me immediately to the spiritual dimension from which I so wish to live. Because I am aware that, as I read somewhere, “We are not human beings in the quest of a spiritual experience – rather, we are spiritual beings undergoing a human experience.” So blessing and living in a state of gratitude for the present moment seem to me the best way of manifesting our spiritual essence in our psychic and material world.
In every single workshop that I run, I speak of Roger and the teachings of your books. So it confirms the saying that one teaches what one most needs.
Philippe, Brussels, Belgium