Things are not always as they seem. And in our life, we may have the tendency to jump to conclusions or go by appearances. Yet, many truths are hidden and need to be revealed. Our inner guidance needs to be attuned to as it is not always obvious. Yet when we are open to guidance, to synchronicities, to coincidences, and we start appreciating all the small (and big) miracles that surround us, we start being more in tune with “what is”.

And what is true is that life is loving and abundant, that love is available for all — and we may need to take the first step. Peace is not always easily observed in the world around us, yet inner peace is a choice we make each moment of every day… and then that inner peace radiates out into the ethers and affects the energy of others around us and out into the world at large.

Our energy is part of the cosmic whole and as such it affects the cosmic whole. Just as each drop of water in the ocean makes up the ocean, you are important. Your energy is important. Your thoughts and actions count. Take the time to connect with your true self, your divine inner child, your radiant soul, and then express that energy out into your heart, into your life, and into the world around you.

Let your light be counted and let it shine so that the darkness dissipates. All for one and One for All is the way to heal the sickness that pervades this planet. We are the healers, we are the light, we are the Love. Let us Be that truth and let it grow and illuminate the hearts of others so that the healing can take place.

This article was written by Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, and was reprinted from the weekly online issue of InnerSelf Magazine which is also available by a free subscription at