The testimony which follows  is a short excerpt from a wonderful article, Feel Free To Shower Blessings On Yourself, by Marguerite Theophil, Ph.D., of  Mumbai, India published March 14, 2015.

“The act of blessing – whether for others or oneself — interrupts the habitual way we see, feel and think about things, the shift allowing us to experience things differently than we normally would.

One example that I find inspiring is about a woman who told me that she had to undergo surgery of her leg at a very young age. Many years later she began to have nightmares about not knowing what had been done to the limb that had been removed during surgery.

When I spoke of blessing oneself, she wondered if she could bless that part of her that was no longer there, and began to do so. As she did this not only was she was able to first get in touch with her buried deep anger about not being told much about it by either parents or doctors, but she was able to work through her emotions. The nightmares stopped. And now she blesses her prosthesis each time she uses it.”

Please click on the link below to read the entire article!