CAC teacher Mirabai Starr writes of Judaism’s affirmation of tikkun olam—human participation in the world’s restoration: There is a kabbalistic story in which the boundless, formless, unified Holy One wished to know its Holy Self, and so it contracted and poured...
By Henry Drummond, excerpt Everyone has asked himself the great question of antiquity as of the modern world: What is the summum bonum—the supreme good? You have life before you. Once only you can live it. What is the noblest object of desire, the supreme gift to...
by guest Rabbi Rami Shapiro – July 07, 2019 Comment: I love what Rabbi Shapiro writes – it is a major step forward from the rigidified religious practices of the past (and for quite a few, still the present.) However, after having been most of my life as a...
In this podcast Pierre is offering us a guided meditation based on Psalm 23, the Shepherd’s Psalm, possibly the most universal of all spiritual texts as it is composed entirely of poetic metaphors. There is a brief text which is one of the most universal,...
Watch these 3 different video versions of Pierre Pradervand’s “Gentle Art of Blessing” text.”On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth; for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited...