Guest Blog: John O’Donohue on blessing

Guest Blog: John O’Donohue on blessing

The great Irish poet and writer remains a rare master of the English language. His use of words is unique. This month we quote from the introduction to that magical book of blessings of his, To Bless the Space Between Us. PP “It would be infinitely lonely to live in a...
Landfill Harmonic: Paraguay’s Recycled Orchestra

Landfill Harmonic: Paraguay’s Recycled Orchestra

A music teacher helps children living by a Paraguay landfill site to reach stardom with instruments made from rubbish. “To have nothing is not an excuse for doing nothing,” says Favio Chavez. On the edges of the Cateura landfill near Paraguay’s...
What taste do you leave in others’ mouths?

What taste do you leave in others’ mouths?

There was an old man who was admitted in a hospital. A young man was visiting him every day and sat with him for more than one hour. He helped him eat his food and take his shower. Then he would take him for a walk in the garden of the hospital. After that he would...
Help for the homeless in Lyon, France

Help for the homeless in Lyon, France

In Lyon, France, “L’Entreprise des possibles” helps the homeless. Some 3,000 people sleep every night in the streets of Lyon. A daily tragedy that a local entrepreneur wants to end. His idea? Mobilize all the companies in the region and pool their...
The soft power of mothers: Fighting extremism begins at home

The soft power of mothers: Fighting extremism begins at home

What if you could actually train mothers to turn their compassion and connection into the first line of defense against terrorism? In Germany and 15 other countries, it’s happening. Their sons were dropping out of school, joining radical mosques, and breaking off...