In this podcast Pierre is offering us a guided meditation based on Psalm 23, the Shepherd’s Psalm, possibly the most universal of all spiritual texts as it is composed entirely of poetic metaphors. There is a brief text which is one of the most universal,...
Frustrated with the peace process, more Arab-Israeli women are joining the ranks of Women Wage Peace, rejecting pressure not to ‘normalize’ relations with Israeli Jews. Says member Ghadir Hani, “I was born in Akko, a mixed city, and I grew up on the...
“I bless the millions of small farmers everywhere that they may learn to regroup to defend their interests and innovate intelligently. I bless those in government responsible for enacting laws and regulations of all sorts that they may be inspired by divine wisdom...
“We are choosing love, not for an outcome but for the actual creation of a different reality, where cynicism cannot overshadow the real connection of Love. The norm is fear and separation, but Love is the greater reality. I don’t have to judge those who fear, I can...
Watch these 3 different video versions of Pierre Pradervand’s “Gentle Art of Blessing” text.”On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth; for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited...