Whenever the opportunity arises to do something good for others, do not hesitate, do it. Tell yourself, “I want to make myself useful. I want to help those in need and in pain, and never mind if there is nothing in it for me and I am not rewarded for my efforts” And,...
Mr. Chen Si, known as the Angel of Nanjing, has volunteered to patrol the Yangtze Bridge every day, and over a 21-year career, he has saved 469 people from committing suicide. One of the most famous bridges in the country, it is also the world’s most popular location...
Louise Brierley, BBC Midlands Today Community orchards are returning to Birmingham, with the aim of teaching people how to grow their own food and be part of the solution to climate change. They are being set up by the Fruit and Nut Village charity which started in...
CAC teacher Mirabai Starr writes of Judaism’s affirmation of tikkun olam—human participation in the world’s restoration: There is a kabbalistic story in which the boundless, formless, unified Holy One wished to know its Holy Self, and so it contracted and poured...
In a compelling tale of unity, Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood turns the tables on the NIMBY (“Not In My Back Yard”) phenomenon, welcoming a unique housing solution that offers much more than a roof over heads. The 140 Clarendon project, a retrofitted...