How you can change the world

How you can change the world

“Don’t worry if you feel you can only do one tiny good thing in one small corner of the cosmos. Just be a Buddha body in that one place.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh Happiness, health, prosperity and peace, a better world for our children – all of us want these same...
Compassion Meditation

Compassion Meditation

Professor and Sister of St. Joseph Catherine Nerney shares a prayer practice that strengthens our compassion for ourselves, one another, and the world: We are called to be compassion for our world. But to grow in this capacity, we must practice, practice, practice the...
The art of constant wonder

The art of constant wonder

On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth; for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited good that is embedded in the very texture of the universe and awaiting each and all. One of the greatest secrets of...
How authority wanes

How authority wanes

Until Gutenberg invented the printing press, it was difficult to challenge authority, hence the stability of the systems in place for centuries, even millennia. The printing press allowed an increase in the circulation of ideas in all fields, which accelerated even...
Progress Report

Progress Report

Governments from Australia to Rwanda, from Sweden to Brazil, and from Kenya to Belarus have devised policy solutions to bolster the health, well-being, and basic functioning of their societies, sometimes at the urging of grassroots organizers. And while no country is...