Joanna Macy (b. 1929) has worked for decades to support the Great Turning, a movement towards life-sustaining cultures and economies. She writes: When a change wants to happen, it looks for people to act through. How do we know when a change wants to happen? We feel...
A lucky Frenchman has decided to dedicate most of his record-breaking $217 million lottery jackpot to a nature foundation he created, he told Le Parisien in an exclusive interview published Wednesday. The winner, nicknamed “Guy” by French lottery group...
In this podcast Pierre is offering us a guided meditation based on Psalm 23, the Shepherd’s Psalm, possibly the most universal of all spiritual texts as it is composed entirely of poetic metaphors. There is a brief text which is one of the most universal,...
Watch these 3 different video versions of Pierre Pradervand’s “Gentle Art of Blessing” text.”On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth; for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited...