Your Healing Connection: A Vision of Oneness

Your Healing Connection: A Vision of Oneness

Excerpts from Deborah King’s blog of December 15, 2022, on the power of sutra meditation. To read the entire blog, please visit On that site you will find information on Ms. King’s background as a spiritual teacher and her...
Living Ourselves into a New Way of Thinking 

Living Ourselves into a New Way of Thinking 

Excerpt from Richard Rohr’s Daily MeditationsCenter for Action and Contemplation October 15, 2022  The Eighth Core Principle of the CAC: We do not think ourselves into a new way of living; we live ourselves into a new way of thinking. This final principle is a...
In This You Can Trust

In This You Can Trust

Sandy Wilder Each step you take is Hers:it is that which She is revealing to you.You are never taking a step alone.(Deep breath again.Feel it all the way down.) Therefore,you can stand, and face, and acceptwhatever is happening,because all experiences are offeredfor...
We are part of a living web

We are part of a living web

Buddhist activist and teacher Joanna Macy invites us to meditate on our intimate coexistence: You know your lives are as intricately interwoven as nerve cells in the mind of a great being. . . . Out of that vast net you cannot fall. . . . No stupidity or failure or...