How nature reveals the hand of our creatorBy Deborah King Breathe in. Breathe out. What do you hear? You hear the sound of your breath. What does your breath sound like? Breath sounds like breath. I was thinking about how “breath sounds like breath” as I was walking...
For thousands of years, ever since mankind started settling in cities, we evolved in rigid, patriarchal and extremely authoritarian structures – at least in the West. This started changing after the industrial revolution and the pace has been picking up since...
We live in an infinitely benevolent, ever loving, universe …. but a very, very strange humanly (dis)organized world! After all, a world where a tiny virus weighing a microgram can upset the world economy in a few weeks is either inhabited by a very, very clever...
Excerpts of an inspiring blog by Paul C Pritchard on Thursday February 6th, 2020. Please visit the link below to read the full article. Source : Deepening My Connection with Source I don’t like the word God. There I...
Real Love does not change. It exists independently of the form through which it expresses. The Source of this eternal, omnipresent, formless Love is within you. This is where your faith must be placed, for this love is as certain as anything you will ever know. And...