There is a great difference between sympathy (from the Greek sym-, with – and pathein-, to suffer, i.e., to suffer with) and compassion. With compassion, one’s heart goes out to others to uplift and console them, strengthen them and express the deepest caring for...
by Bunny McBride, from her book Earthshine: Gifts of Reflected Light There is a life force within your soul;seek that life.There is a gem in the mountain of your body;seek that mine.~ Rumi Some years ago, darkness came over me like a lunar eclipse. It began in the...
Joanna Macy (b. 1929) has worked for decades to support the Great Turning, a movement towards life-sustaining cultures and economies. She writes: When a change wants to happen, it looks for people to act through. How do we know when a change wants to happen? We feel...
For thousands of years, humanity disposed of very limited amounts of information. Whatever understanding people had of the world came from the tribal elders, members of the extended family and other close sources of information. How things have changed! I refer you...
Dr. Stewart Bitkoff Magnificent Monastery For the longest time, I wished that I had a church, temple, mosque or synagogue to attend. I could find no special place that called to my heart and helped my soul sing. In years past, there had always been a place: top of a...