

Meditation teacher Eckhart Tolle offers this insight: Silence is helpful, but you don’t need it in order to find stillness. Even when there is noise, you can be aware of the stillness underneath the noise, of the space in which the noise arises. That is the inner...
Namaste: Let’s Keep It After the Pandemic

Namaste: Let’s Keep It After the Pandemic

by Philip Goldberg Below are a few excerpts from this article, which you can read in its entirety here. …Thanks to the popularity of yoga, the presence of gurus and swamis,...
The symptoms of Inner Peace

The symptoms of Inner Peace

Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace. The hearts of a great many have already been exposed to inner peace and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. 1. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on...
The most extraordinary spiritual affirmation of all time

The most extraordinary spiritual affirmation of all time

At the end of one of the parables that Jesus left us, that of the Prodigal Son (Gospel of Luke), we find the most extraordinary spiritual affirmation that I have ever read in my entire life: “My child, you are always with me and all that I have is yours.”...
May you …

May you …

May you letyour thought sweetly reston whomever comes to consciousness,without the slightest judgment,or need for them to be differentin any way. May you findthe quiet humilityto love them as they are right now,and just for this moment,may you feelthat this is enough....