Helping the Rich Let Go

Helping the Rich Let Go

By Chuck Collins (excerpts from the original article. Read the full article here. Over the next 20 years, a minimum of $35 trillion, and up to $70 trillion, in wealth will transfer from the post-World War II generation to the next younger generation. Most of that...
Who is really running the show?

Who is really running the show?

In this period of growing world distress and challenges, it is good to remember that maybe Someone/Something else is pulling the strings. My dear friend Sandy Wilder of the Educare Unlearning Institute, who sends out daily the most profound and enlightening free...
Spiritual Power in World Affairs

Spiritual Power in World Affairs

“As God* becomes a reality and we become consciously one with It, It guides every step of our experience.  It supplies us.  It draws to us all that we need in the world–right friendships, right family relationships, right supply, right activity, right books,...
A sunrise Taoist prayer

A sunrise Taoist prayer

Shared by Nick Polizzi All we need is the morning.As long as there is sunrise,then there is the possibilitythat we can face all of our misfortunes,celebrate all our blessings,and live all our endeavors as human beings.Spirituality is something that has becomenecessary...
What can I do about global warming?

What can I do about global warming?

So many people feel totally overwhelmed by the problem, and this at all levels. The ordinary citizen sees himself as a tiny pawn without any significant influence on a chessboard with 7.9 billion players. The director of a large multinational company immediately sees...