By Pierre Malotiaux, Le Murmure du Coeur
Love, as I feel it in the depths of my being, surpasses any definition one might try to assign to it. It is an infinite energy, a sacred breath that permeates every moment, every heartbeat, every movement of life. True, unconditional, universal Love has neither beginning nor end. It is a vibration resonating within us, a divine light that illuminates our being and reminds us that, in every moment of presence, we touch eternity.
When I speak of Love, I am not just talking about attachment or human relationships, but about this primordial force underpinning all of creation. It is the love of all that lives, the love of life itself, which reveals itself to us in the present moment when we have the courage to pause, to breathe deeply, and to acknowledge that this moment is a gift, a grace. This moment, here and now, is all that truly exists. The past is gone, the future has not yet come, and it is in this present that the magic of life unfolds.
In this state of mindfulness, I discover that life is a divine work of art, perfect in its complexity and simplicity. Nature, with its infinite wisdom, has created this subtle balance where every element finds its place. Nothing needs to be changed. Everything is there, present, vibrant. Only we, human beings, need to elevate our consciousness to recognize this perfection, to see with new eyes that life already supports us, that we are each a unique expression of this great whole.
I deeply feel that I am part of humanity and that humanity is part of life itself. We are connected, woven into the same fabric of existence, and this bond, this unity, manifests in the love we carry at every moment. When I take care of myself, when I cultivate Love within me, I care for all of humanity. We are one, and every act of love, every gesture of compassion I offer to myself or others, is a tribute to life.
To love, for me, is therefore a profound commitment. It is an invitation to infuse love into every thought, every action, to care for life in all its expressions. In this attention to every detail, I discover that everything has meaning, that everything is in its rightful place. There is nothing to correct, only to embrace. Even when faced with pain, wars, or violence that affects me, I feel an urgency to respond with even more love, with more gentleness and compassion.
The art of loving, as I live it, is a sacred act. It is about seeing the other, and myself, in our full humanity, in our light as well as our shadows, and recognizing the beauty of this essence that dwells within us. To love is a dance with life, where I make myself available without seeking to transform or mold the other. It is an offering, an openness to the truth of the moment, where I allow life to express itself through me, through the other, unconditionally.
In this dance, I remember that every wave of existence is temporary. Appearances, sometimes so deceptive, are but fleeting reflections of deeper realities. We all have the choice to remain anchored in what is true, to resist being swept away by currents of desire or fear, and to return, again and again, to the source of what is. There, in this silent and sacred space, I rediscover the richness that exists in all of us, this beauty that only seeks to be recognized.
To love, in its purest form, is this natural impulse to give without expectation, to offer without seeking to receive. It is an acknowledgment of divinity in the other, an authentic connection with what is sacred in each of us. And when I stray into illusions, when I lose sight of this truth, I gently remind myself to return to the essential, to return to this breath of Love that flows within me, within all of us.
Love is this living force that transforms us, that lights our path, that urges us to see beyond appearances to touch the very essence of life. It is a force inviting us to soothe our hearts, elevate our souls, and plant seeds of hope and light in every corner of our existence. For, deep down, we are but one. And it is in honoring this unity, in caring for life through each small gesture, that we discover that Love, truly, is already here, within us and around us.
Thus, the art of loving becomes a journey back to oneself, a path towards the other, a path towards life. It is a profound commitment to be present, to recognize the beauty within every being, in every moment, and to offer this presence, this attention, as an act of Love towards life itself.