I am the busy mother of two young sons and am expecting a third baby in just a few weeks time. Like many women at this stage of pregnancy, I am not sleeping well at night and am very tired at the end of the day. This means I can be grumpy with my two children and feel very bad about it when I snap at them.

I took a rare five minutes this afternoon to read your article (on blessing) in Cygnus. It was inspiring and echoed many things I have a deep faith in. Alas, the luxury of lengthy meditation is not one a mother of young children can often indulge in, but I sat a few moments, turned my palms up to the sunshine and allowed a sense of well-being to fill me as I blessed the world around me.

A few minutes later I was called into the house by the children. My 3-year old rushed up to me and put his arms around my neck. He kissed me and looked into my eyes and then said: “Bless you”. It was an extraordinary moment. Nothing similar has happened before like this but he seemed to know something.”

Dawn, England