Luc Bodin, who shared Pierre’s blessing for politicians on his site has a very good answer to the question below

Q. Why send love to dictators or leaders whose policies we disapprove of?

  • If we send them negative thoughts , we lower their vibrational levels and close their minds, which contributes to pushing them towards deleterious ideas: search for power and domination, selfishness, embezzlement, compromises…
  • But if we send them positive thoughts , we raise their vibrational levels and their paradigms, which raises their thoughts and can allow them to develop a spirit of altruism, sharing, fairness, listening, understanding… and thus to make fair decisions for all of humanity.

This is how with the positive thoughts  (blessings) we send them, we can help leaders make the best decisions for everyone…

Blessing comes from the Latin ”  bene dicere  ” which means ”  to speak well of   ” or ”  to wish good” . It is a good method to send the best to others – especially to political, military or other leaders – whether it is done in our own name or in the name of the Divine