Sheryl Chard, Grateful Living Silence and its close ally stillness are paradoxical sources of life, beauty, and vibrancy. Br. David Steindl-Rast describes silence as something “not only as perceived by the ears, but also a quietness of the heart, a lucid stillness...
In her book Race and the Cosmos, Dr. Barbara Holmes expands the quest for justice and liberation to a cosmic level. Excerpted from Any community that we construct on Earth will be only a small model of a...
You were not randomly chosen or forced in any way to show up on the planet in this form. It was not an accident, nor was it good or bad luck, or chance. It was an invitation from Grace. And guess what? You said, “I’m in!” You came here to learn as much as you were...
Rev. Ben McBride encourages us to listen to our hearts as well as those of our neighbors to build bridges and live out our belonging to one another: You don’t have to have anything to get started, really: just a will, which I believe is already within you, and a way....
In this interview for the Daily Meditations, Sikh activist and author Valarie Kaur places love at the center of our ability to bring about wholeness in a divided world: What does it mean to return to a kind of wholeness where the way that we love informs what we do in...
By Pierre Malotiaux, Le Murmure du Coeur Love, as I feel it in the depths of my being, surpasses any definition one might try to assign to it. It is an infinite energy, a sacred breath that permeates every moment, every heartbeat, every movement of life. True,...