With all that is happening in our world right now, you are invited to make this prayer mantra from Miranda McPherson part of your daily practice. Please feel free to spread this widely! May all beings dwell in the heart.May all beings be free from suffering.May all...
The Prayer for Guardian Angel is a beautiful chanted meditation in harmony, an invocation of Angelic protection and guidance. it is based on text from the Scottish highlands and Islands recorded in the Carmina Gadelica, the Amulet of the Gaels. These ancient words...
Join Mooji on this morning walk, as he shares spontaneous wisdom and guidance, reflecting on important questions such as, ‘What are we here for and what is this life all about?’ On this 7 minute morning walk, Mooji introduces us to the real opportunity of a human...
We humans are members of the Universe who must take life in order to live our own lives. How do we learn to honor and respect the countless lives that sustain us? We can begin with please and thank you. Listen as Robin Wall Kimmerer gently shares the wisdom of the...
Satish Kumar shares his wisdom on how the power of love can help to promote personal, political and planetary wellbeing. The reading is from his article ‘The Power of Love’ published in the Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. Satish Kumar is a former Jain monk...