My very favorite blessing story

Just a year after the first French version of the book The Gentle Art of Blessing (now available in seven languages*) I came across an amazing article in one of the leading German-Swiss newspapers, (the Tages Anzeiger of April 15, 1999), concerning a retired nurse,...

In prison for murder and led to use The Gentle Art of Blessing

For 17 years I was a visitor at the local Geneva jail. One day, I was asked to visit a young man who had read the book by Roger McGowen “Messages of Life from Death Row” who speaks at length of the powerful impact on him during one of the most challenging...

Increased peace of heart

“The Gentle Art of Blessing has changed my life already. – and I doubt I am anywhere near expert in it. Everything has changed – the reception I receive from my classes, the kind of day I have, etc. Most of all I am loving the peace in my heart and the improvement in...