Our world is shaped by how we see it

Our world is shaped by how we see it

This blog is taken from one of the chapters in my most recent book, Et ainsi coule la rivière (Thus flows the river, only available in French).  The notion that we live in a welcoming and caring universe is very close to my heart, and at the end of the text...
Deeds, not words

Deeds, not words

Paul Ferrini The language of love is not a language of words… Whoever practices love returns to the house of God. No matter what path he/she follows or what name he/she gives it. No path is better than another. You will not return home faster by believing in me...
A New Spirituality

A New Spirituality

“We need a new consciousness, and we need to act differently. Instead of revenge we need to practice forgiveness, instead of all-out competition, we need embracing love, and in place of looking for our own advantage in every situation, we need to embrace everyone...

Could we be thinking about consciousness all wrong?

In the scientific community, the lack of scientific understanding about the nature of consciousness and from where it emerges is commonly referred to as the ‘hard’ problem. The standard view of science is that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the body—meaning it...