We are Here to Love

We are Here to Love

We are here to love and not to hate,To seek the paths of peace, not war,To forgive and not to avenge,To learn deep life lessonsFrom each other. We are here to learn the laws of Love,The laws of Wisdom,The laws of Truth,The laws of Justice,The laws of Goodness,The laws...
Divine Love’s Tenderness

Divine Love’s Tenderness

The seashell called angel wing is delicate and exquisitely beautiful. One sometimes finds numbers of them on the shore when the tide recedes, their winsome loveliness resting gently on the sand. One wonders why they were not crushed to smithereens in the pounding of...
In the Aftermath of Terrorist Attacks

In the Aftermath of Terrorist Attacks

We live in a world where it appears that in most countries, almost anywhere, anyone can be blown up at any time. Yet many know that spiritual power, if intelligently harnessed, could be a major tool in offsetting this insanity so often due to desperation or hate. From...
Experiencing Your Divinity

Experiencing Your Divinity

Steve Farrell* • Jun 07, 2023 In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, it’s easy to lose sight of our inherent divinity. Yet, within each of us lies a spark of something greater, something sacred that connects us to the divine. Experiencing your divinity is...
Forgiveness – essential humility

Forgiveness – essential humility

Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1931–2021) and his daughter Mpho Tutu van Furth focus on our fragile humanity, the good and bad that we are all capable of, as the entry point for forgiveness: We are able to forgive because we are able to recognize our shared humanity. We are...