Mending the World

Mending the World

CAC teacher Mirabai Starr writes of Judaism’s affirmation of tikkun olam—human participation in the world’s restoration: There is a kabbalistic story in which the boundless, formless, unified Holy One wished to know its Holy Self, and so it contracted and poured...
Tolerance in a world of constant contrasts

Tolerance in a world of constant contrasts

Never in the history of humanity have we been exposed to such an infinite variety of opinions, beliefs, forms of behavior, customs and so on. Humanity has become a melting pot of world dimensions! Be it in the areas of religious beliefs, forms of politeness, dress,...
Dharma & Politics

Dharma & Politics

Below are a few excerpts from an excellent article by Jack Kornfield. Please follow this link to read this very timely and insightful piece. Source: “Many Buddhist practitioners have questioned what to do in these turbulent...
A rare example of compassion

A rare example of compassion

Recently I was invited to participate in an event on compassion on internet. One of the Jewish participants, a certain rabbi Ariel, shared possibly the most moving story on compassion I have ever heard in my existence. His son was a participant on a study-abroad trip...
Climate Change

Climate Change

A Blessing For the Challenges of Climate Change All round the world, populations are leaving their ancestral lands due to climate change, for instance various populations in the highlands of Nepal. Innovative new measures and policies are urgently needed to face what...