A society with fragmented attention

A society with fragmented attention

We live in a society where our attention is solicited to an extent never experienced before in human history. There are few public places where our attention is not constantly challenged by all kinds of messages, whether they are advertising (generally) but also of...
The practice of blessing

The practice of blessing

For the month of February, we are pleased to offer you a “guest blog” by Olivier Clerc, from his book J’arrête de me juger, Day 6, on the topic of blessing (I stop  judging myself, our translation as the book is not available in English). A link...
A Thank You Prayer

A Thank You Prayer

Our spiritual text for May 8 is this beautiful video from Mooji in which he addresses the concerns and fears that many are facing in the midst of the current global crisis. Mooji shows us a powerful exercise and prayer which is a tremendous support during such trying...