A New Way to Worship

A New Way to Worship

by guest Rabbi Rami Shapiro – July 07, 2019 Comment: I love what Rabbi Shapiro writes – it is a major step forward from the rigidified religious practices of the past (and for quite a few, still the present.)  However, after having been most of my life as a...
Social implications of oneness

Social implications of oneness

A dominant aspect of mystical experiences all round the world is that the mystics very often see the links of all things – not only between all humans, but between humans and nature, and sometimes they feel a total immersion with the Ground of Being that upholds...
The End of Knowing

The End of Knowing

(Fr Richard Rohr’s Meditation for Friday, October 12, 2018) Our note: if the word God does not resonate with you, change it to one of the many other names for deity – Cosmic Love, Great Spirit, Infinite, Divine, Allah, etc. etc. “Love never fails. But where there are...
The very best New Year’s start

The very best New Year’s start

“I believe it is impossible to live a happy life if one nourishes resentment for some harm done to oneself, or guilt or repressed anger for an error of omission or commission we caused. On the other hand, we become incapable of resentment when we have understood that...