….And now for all the good happening in the world!

….And now for all the good happening in the world!

The world we live in is in great part the result of the way we look at it. At every single moment, there are hundreds of millions of events taking place around us, be it on the social or political levels, in nature or in the unseen realms of a higher reality. The...
In the Aftermath of Terrorist Attacks

In the Aftermath of Terrorist Attacks

We live in a world where it appears that in most countries, almost anywhere, anyone can be blown up at any time. Yet many know that spiritual power, if intelligently harnessed, could be a major tool in offsetting this insanity so often due to desperation or hate. From...
Back to…the Information Explosion

Back to…the Information Explosion

I feel like coming back to this topic already handled in the April blog, given the immense importance of the theme and the appearance and practice of “Fake news” which still complicates the debate. Although the practice itself is certainly not new it seems to have...
The Karma Yoga of Blessing

The Karma Yoga of Blessing

Karma Yoga is a spiritual teaching found in the Bhagavad Gita, one of the holy scriptures of Hinduism. It recommends a complete detachment of the self from our action – a concept that has also been expressed by other spiritual writers, for example Isaiah’s statement...
Simple, simple, simple …. and essential

Simple, simple, simple …. and essential

It is a great platitude to say that the world is getting more and more complicated and complex. Take just the field of technology and internet. Many of our seniors are hopelessly lost with a system that is changing and evolving almost daily. The aim of this blog is...