What If?

What If?

What If?there was a place where we could practicerespecting religious differences while honoring sameness?Perhaps then we could . . .recognize the face of our brother and sisterbeyond color, dress or language. What if?there was a place where we could...
In Italy, a school teaches reconciliation over revenge.

In Italy, a school teaches reconciliation over revenge.

What if you had to be roommates with your enemy? That’s the idea behind a unique school in Italy. When students find calm away from conflict and ancient hatreds, the school has found, there is space to find peace. As conflicts rage around the world, there is a place...
Dharma & Politics

Dharma & Politics

Below are a few excerpts from an excellent article by Jack Kornfield. Please follow this link to read this very timely and insightful piece. Source: https://jackkornfield.com/dharma-politics/ “Many Buddhist practitioners have questioned what to do in these turbulent...
The Charter for Compassion

The Charter for Compassion

The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Compassion impels us to work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, to...