Reconciling the material and spiritual life

Reconciling the material and spiritual life

No one is asking you to completely neglect the material life in order to devote yourself solely to meditation and prayer, as some mystics or ascetics who wanted to flee the world, its temptations and difficulties, did. But to allow yourself to be monopolized by...

Podcast interview with Kelle Sparta

In this episode, Kelle welcomes Pierre Pradervand to Spirit Sherpa to discuss the art of blessings. Listen in as Pierre shares his life stories that have led him to find a peace in his heart which fills his days with love and compassion for all those he comes into...
The essence of true spirituality

The essence of true spirituality

For over 60 years I belonged to forms of organized religion. These still play a useful role for some individuals who need to have verbal formulations of truths and liturgical and cultural forms that reassure and comfort. However, we live in a world where increasingly...

A Practical guide to spiritual enlightenment

Adyashanti From The way of Liberation Open Gate SanghaSan Jose, California Practice Absolute Sincerity To have genuine sincerity is absolutely necessary in the spiritual life. Sincerity encompasses the qualities of honesty, genuineness, and integrity. To be sincere...