

Our November guest blog is reprinted from Luc Bodin’s September newsletter, and we encourage you to visit his site at https://luc-bodin.fr/ Pierre’s note: Luc Bodin is one of those too rare thinkers who think outside the square box of the “system”...
Understanding Oneness

Understanding Oneness

Every thought we have and action we take becomes part of the collective energy of the planet. Sometimes we look at the actions of others and find it difficult to understand what motivates them. But we are all doing the best we can with the information we currently...
Thoughts on Love and Life, excerpts from Rumi’s poems

Thoughts on Love and Life, excerpts from Rumi’s poems

What in your life is calling you, when all the noise is silenced, the meetings adjourned… the lists laid aside, and the wild iris blooms by itself in the dark forest… what still pulls on your soul? Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the...
A positive vision for 2021

A positive vision for 2021

In a world immersed in urgency, with alarm bells ringing left and right and dire predictions for our future, how dare I come up with a banner marked, “Yes, so many good things are happening”? Simply because how we look upon the world is a purely subjective vision...
Expressing appreciation

Expressing appreciation

There are many activities in our societies that seem of little significance or “unimportant,” but that is such a superficial view of things. It bears repeating that the humblest activity performed with love certainly uplifts the human race more than a high prestige or...