The Five-Point Upshift Manifesto

The Five-Point Upshift Manifesto

We are sharing a few passages from an inspiring message from Ervin Laszlo: Humanity’s Sacred Mission – 5 Point Upshift Manifesto.Please click on this link to read the entire...
True Riches

True Riches

My friend Ibrahima was a rather special man. Not many school directors in his part of the world (Mali) would decide to become peasants. But such a man was my friend. While I lived in Africa I used to go and visit him occasionally when I felt the need to get in touch...
A New Way to Worship

A New Way to Worship

by guest Rabbi Rami Shapiro – July 07, 2019 Comment: I love what Rabbi Shapiro writes – it is a major step forward from the rigidified religious practices of the past (and for quite a few, still the present.)  However, after having been most of my life as a...
The essence of true spirituality

The essence of true spirituality

For over 60 years I belonged to forms of organized religion. These still play a useful role for some individuals who need to have verbal formulations of truths and liturgical and cultural forms that reassure and comfort. However, we live in a world where increasingly...