To those I love and those who love me

To those I love and those who love me

When I’m gone, let me go!Let me go.For I have so much to do and see!Don’t cry when you think of me!Be grateful for the beautiful yearsDuring which I gave you my love!You can only guessThe happiness you’ve brought me!I thank you for the love everyone...
We are Here to Love

We are Here to Love

We are here to love and not to hate,To seek the paths of peace, not war,To forgive and not to avenge,To learn deep life lessonsFrom each other. We are here to learn the laws of Love,The laws of Wisdom,The laws of Truth,The laws of Justice,The laws of Goodness,The laws...
The Sun Is Always Shining

The Sun Is Always Shining

If darkness has fallen, know that the sun is shining at this very moment, somewhere not too far away. There are times when gloom or darkness causes us to momentarily lose sight of the light. It is at these times when the thought of the sun can help us. Its warm,...
Rising above the confusion

Rising above the confusion

For thousands of years, humanity disposed of very limited amounts of information. Whatever understanding people had of the world came from the tribal elders, members of the extended family and other close sources of information.  How things have changed! I refer you...
Back to…the Information Explosion

Back to…the Information Explosion

I feel like coming back to this topic already handled in the April blog, given the immense importance of the theme and the appearance and practice of “Fake news” which still complicates the debate. Although the practice itself is certainly not new it seems to have...