By Cristen Rodgers Introduction by Pierre Close to forty years ago, Byron Katie, for me one of the leading figures of the personal development movement during the past generation, made the comment that the greatest challenge to the world was … confusion. Not...
For the month of February, we are pleased to offer you a “guest blog” by Olivier Clerc, from his book J’arrête de me juger, Day 6, on the topic of blessing (I stop judging myself, our translation as the book is not available in English). A link...
As we enter 2023, our world is in dire straits, to say the least. Tragic situations exist on every continent, from the war in Ukraine, to countries on the brink of famine in Africa, deadly floods in Asia and South America, fires, deforestation, Syrian and other...
We live in a world where our entire lives, almost everywhere, are totally invaded by advertising. It’s not yet in the underground caves explored by speleologists or on the sides of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa or Mount Everest (but who knows if it will not be there...
Center for Action and Contemplation teacher Brian McLaren shares the power of ongoing discernment, allowing ourselves to be drawn into service and action on behalf of others: From CAC Meditation of August 24, 2022 “If you listen to the Spirit, here is what will happen...