A rare example of compassion

A rare example of compassion

Recently I was invited to participate in an event on compassion on internet. One of the Jewish participants, a certain rabbi Ariel, shared possibly the most moving story on compassion I have ever heard in my existence. His son was a participant on a study-abroad trip...
Living between Two Worlds

Living between Two Worlds

If freedom has any meaning at all, its most vital meaning must be the freedom to think, the freedom to seek, to question, and to discover that which is beyond the horizon of accepted knowledge until we arrive at the goal we are seeking, a goal which is life...
Opening to Divine Guidance

Opening to Divine Guidance

Excerpted from Simple Keys to a Fuller Life by Fred Burks Many Forms of Guidance Guidance comes in many forms. Family or friends may give wonderful words of wisdom in dealing with a particular problem or situation. An inspiring book, video, or program might provide...
Clean Your Windshield First

Clean Your Windshield First

Photo by Hossein Soltanloo on Unsplash If your thought is engaged withjudgment, self-condemnation,blame, or self-justification,it is not the time to draw conclusionsabout yourself, others, or your relationships.It is the time to removethis dirt from your windshieldso...


Integrity is a quality of being. It means holding on, at all times to your highest sense of truth and your own vision, whatever the cost may be. It consists in resonating with the most intimate fibre of your being which enjoins us not to withdraw one inch, whatever...