by Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Asher Davidson

May we as humanity be guided by the Divine to rediscover the sacred purpose of our planet–to nurture and support the spiritual evolution of all life on earth;

Let the wounds of separation and division be healed by opening our hearts to listen to the truth on all sides, allowing us to find a higher truth that includes us all;

May we learn to honor and enjoy our diversity and differences as people, even as we more deeply touch our fundamental unity;

May we, as a people, undergo a transformation that will draw forth individuals and groups to lead our world who embody courage, compassion and a higher vision;

May our leaders inspire us, and we so inspire each other, that a new spirit of forgiveness, caring and honesty be born in our world;

May we, as a united humanity, move with loving purpose to create a better world, where we live peacefully within the community of nations, and contribute to a more joyful, sustainable future for all life on earth;

And may we, the people, align with Divine Love and Will for the highest good of our beloved planet earth.

Published on Nov 22, 2016
The Center for Visionary Leadership

Music Credit: Ascension by Steven Halpern from CHAKRA SUITE © 1975,2015 StevenHalpern.com