Accepting myself completely

Accepting myself completely

The March blog is a translation of a text written by Pierre which he used to share with participants in some of his personal development workshops. As of today, I’ve decided to start/continue with the process of accepting myself totally, as I am, with no...
Love – the supreme authority

Love – the supreme authority

This blog is an excerpt from Pierre’s book Apprendre à s’aimer Available only in French, our translation “To love is to desire the true good for others and for oneself”. There is a reality in the universe that constitutes the ultimate Reality, a law that nullifies all...
A Letter of Gratitude to Pierre Pradervand

A Letter of Gratitude to Pierre Pradervand

The January guest blog is in the form of a letter written by Mary Davis from Every Day Spirit. Learn more at Dearest Pierre, Although you left our world on July 26, 2024, your love lives on through the countless souls who were graced by your...
A Blessing for Political Leaders

A Blessing for Political Leaders

Hatsat Abiola, a Nigerian activist, says to us: “Guard your light and protect it. Move it forward into the world and be fully confident that if we connect light to light to light and join the lights together of the one billion young people in our world today, we will...
Raising World Consciousness

Raising World Consciousness

Note: In recent years Pierre very often spoke and wrote about the great and urgent need to raise the level of individual and collective consciousness if we are to effectively handle/heal the many crises that plague our material world.  The blessing below, from 365...
Our life is like a river

Our life is like a river

Pierre’s final blog shares thoughts from his book Et ainsi coule la riviere (and thus flows the river) published in French in 2022. “It’s the positive energy we put into the events of our lives that ensures that, like the meandering river, we always...