Our life is like a river

Our life is like a river

Pierre’s final blog shares thoughts from his book Et ainsi coule la riviere (and thus flows the river) published in French in 2022. “It’s the positive energy we put into the events of our lives that ensures that, like the meandering river, we always...
The Power of Right Thinking

The Power of Right Thinking

Today I  am going to share with you a story which shows the power of right thinking, e.g., blessing. When he was in his early twenties, my friend Mark decided to undertake a trip around the planet. At one moment, he ended up in a Buddhist monastery in Thailand. Each...
Our world is shaped by how we see it

Our world is shaped by how we see it

This blog is taken from one of the chapters in my most recent book, Et ainsi coule la rivière (Thus flows the river, only available in French).  The notion that we live in a welcoming and caring universe is very close to my heart, and at the end of the text...
Divine Love’s Tenderness

Divine Love’s Tenderness

The seashell called angel wing is delicate and exquisitely beautiful. One sometimes finds numbers of them on the shore when the tide recedes, their winsome loveliness resting gently on the sand. One wonders why they were not crushed to smithereens in the pounding of...
Say NO to Compassion Fatigue!

Say NO to Compassion Fatigue!

There is a great difference between sympathy (from the Greek sym-, with – and pathein-, to suffer, i.e., to suffer with) and compassion. With compassion, one’s heart goes out to others to uplift and console them, strengthen them and express the deepest caring for...
The Building of the Servant Nation

The Building of the Servant Nation

For generations, a nation of world servants has, little by little, been building up everywhere. In fact, it has existed as an embryo for far longer, but in the past 30-40 years it has been manifesting itself in a much more concrete manner. It is made up of this...