The Story of Mohan

The Story of Mohan

The following text is my favorite story of the dozens and dozens I have heard in a well-lived life of 86 years. It describes what many consider the most important spiritual attitude with love – a constant sense of The Presence. And it comes with the best wishes...
….And now for all the good happening in the world!

….And now for all the good happening in the world!

The world we live in is in great part the result of the way we look at it. At every single moment, there are hundreds of millions of events taking place around us, be it on the social or political levels, in nature or in the unseen realms of a higher reality. The...
Back to…the Information Explosion

Back to…the Information Explosion

I feel like coming back to this topic already handled in the April blog, given the immense importance of the theme and the appearance and practice of “Fake news” which still complicates the debate. Although the practice itself is certainly not new it seems to have...
Towards a spirituality of Service

Towards a spirituality of Service

My blog this month is an excerpt from my new book, The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment – A Guide to Discovering Your Personal Path. “Towards a spirituality of service” is a very timely topic when one considers all the challenges facing humanity – from deadly...
Tolerance in a world of constant contrasts

Tolerance in a world of constant contrasts

Never in the history of humanity have we been exposed to such an infinite variety of opinions, beliefs, forms of behavior, customs and so on. Humanity has become a melting pot of world dimensions! Be it in the areas of religious beliefs, forms of politeness, dress,...
A society with fragmented attention

A society with fragmented attention

We live in a society where our attention is solicited to an extent never experienced before in human history. There are few public places where our attention is not constantly challenged by all kinds of messages, whether they are advertising (generally) but also of...